GENESIS Lighthouse IN Milwaukee

“A Beacon Of Light and Jewel Of Every Neighborhood”

Discipleship INSIDE the prison. Help them on the OUTSIDE – Re Entry. Be Jesus to their community. “Where Life begins again.”
Year End Newsletter 2023
How You Can Get Involved
Call (414) 254-2098 to Donate Or Contact Us to get Involved
Far from just another group home or halfway house, our program aids with independence, yet dependence on Christ
Man's Plight in Life
Throughout life many men and women find themselves on the pursuit of happiness searching for life’s purpose. Many find their purpose wrapped up in what pop culture display as Manhood/Womanhood.
Unfortunately, those that find themselves on that journey only focuses on externals which ultimately leads to an internal turmoil that creates a need for concern about their eternal destination.
Many often arrive at this last stage in the process of time, never accomplishing life’s purpose. Mentoring can be a tool to produce
Mentees who will produce fruitful legacies which transform lives in their communities influencing multiple generations.
Our interview with national publication “Ring & Robe Magazine”
- Spirit (influence)
- Soul (character)
- Body (actions)
Influences affect who we are and this will dictate what we do.

- Man (God’s Presence)
- Family (Restoration)
- Neighborhood (Healthy Environment)

Build Community
- Purpose (Imago Dei)
- Vision (Witness)
- Execute (Life on Life)

- Local Churches (One Accord)
- Man to Man (Unity)
- Parent & children (Legacy)
Saving Lives & Building Men Since 2007
State Correctional Facilities We Serve
Mentors Trained
Homes Acquired
Barriers to Successful Re-Entry
1.The lack of volunteers (inside vs. outside prison)
2. Housing (no address, background hindrance, old ties)
3. Jobs (To coincide w/vocational training inside)
4. Relationships Restoration (Parents,Children, and Authorities)
5. Financial Literacy/Management (bill pay, savings, and smart monthly spending)
6. Discipleship ( a new mentality, transformation)
7. Transportation (Driver’s License prep/redistribution)
Why Mentorship is so Important
As mentors, we must have a TRENCH LIFE mentality. Trenches are synonymous with gutter, ditch, or trough. In its plural form it can be considered a place, position, or level at which an activity is carried on in a manner likened to ”in the trenches” warfare.
In this war to win souls, we are boots on the ground encountering the enemy firsthand. THIS REQUIRES RADICAL DEDICATION.
We supply mentees with everything from clothes to employment from employment to housing to living in community. Where they put into practice biblical conflict resolution skills leading them to healthy relationships for a lifetime.
Fatherlessness and a lack of Biblical leadership has plagued the inner city and continues to decimate communities across Wisconsin and the states. Genesis services will expand by providing housing as a platform for outreach. Released from prison, saved by the Grace of God, they will serve the neighborhoods they once decimated by crime. In 2013, we began to make greater inroads into prisons throughout Wisconsin Department of Corrections, and focused our in prison training on Biblical MANHOOD and Fatherhood.
Our Mission
Many returning citizens are released from incarceration with many needs, but lack the know how, the resources, and the bare necessities to address those needs. Post release, many still remain imprisoned, by wrong thinking patterns which lead to reoffending.
Mentors break the cycle by helping mentees overcome the many obstacles preventing successful reclamation in society.
If successfully done, disciples become teachers themselves and repeat the cycle of making disciples.i.e the art of imitation.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.
*The story of Nehemiah: "give them resources and let them build..."*
-Neh 2:8
For behold,the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. (Isaiah 60:2)
Please feel free to Check out Genesis In Milwaukee, Inc./ Genesis Lighthouse MINISTRIES on Google!